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SR Business Services, setup in 2010, is an international information technology oriented management consulting firm that advises clients across the world on strategy, business transformation and innovation. It is part of the SR Group which straddles the entire knowledge value chain.

SRBS consists of a group of senior seasoned industrial professionals who have track records in setting up and managing business for both MNCs and Corporate. SRBS aims at providing solutions with a difference – we believe in enabling the business strategies with a right mix of technology, people, process and systems.

Thursday 1 September 2016

20+ Consulting travel essentials

I travel a lot.  Like most management consultants, I am a road warrior. According to Marriott.com, I have stayed 152 nights last year. Perhaps 10% of that is from my wife who also uses my rewards number, but needless to say, lots of hotel, plane, car.
Funny sidebar – a friend was NOT traveling one week, and his credit card flagged him for using his personal card CLOSE to his home during a work week. The credit card algorithm could not fathom him being HOME during the week. Yikes. Dysfunctional.
I am in the professional services business. My place is at the client site – whether in an office, conference room, or hotel concierge lounge. The tools of my craft are a computer, dry-ink marker, cell phone, wifi connection, my brain, my heart, and my mouth.  Yes, traveling, thinking, typing, and talking. T – T – T – T
What kind of “stuff” do I keep in my bag?  Here is an abbreviated list of things that I carry around, find helpful, and recommend. Not in any particular order
  • Sunglasses. Yes, I am one of those people who wear sunglasses whenever I can. In the airport, taxi, airplane. Incognito “no eye contact” look
  • Headphones. Listen to podcasts all the time. Also, keep them in while on the flight or around loud civilians (a.k.a. leisure travelers with kids)
  • Contigo 20 oz bottleThis is an advanced thermos bottle. Great for coffee, tea – great for getting in/out of plane seats, cars. Throw it in your bag, no spill.
  • Car phone re-chargerPreferably a 2-prong for you and a friend.
  • Phone charging powerpack. Cannot let your cell phone die.
  • Pillbox of random OTC medications. Advil, Pep-to Bismol, Benydrl, TUMS
  • Stamps.  If you randomly mail your mom, wife, husband, or nephew.  #winning
  • Napkins. Yes, I stash napkins every time I go a fast casual restaurant. Ready for any spill, gross conference room table, dirt on shoes, or to throw away gum
  • Post-it notes. Perhaps I learned this from my father, but it’s great to have paper handy, and honestly
  • MouseProbably 70% of my team uses a the built-in touchpad on the computers, but honestly . . . I cannot understand that. I HAVE TO HAVE a mouse
  • Shoe polish. This is usually in my rollerbag, but during East Coast winters, the snow and salt makes your shoes look terrible.
  • Gum. Yes, a toothbrush would be preferable, but it’s a luxury. Gum is enough.
  • The project kick-off ppt. You just never know when you will be sitting down with a new stakeholder and want to walk them through a few pages.
  • USB stickWhen you are in an interview and they have a copy of the file you want, just ask for it right then and there.  (Lev makes a good point – encrypted. . .)
  • Something from home. If you have kids, bring some small thing that reminds you of them.  For me, I carry about a matchbox car by 4 year old nephew gave me
  • Purell. Dude, public places are gross. Airports are gross. Hotels are gross.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

7 Characteristics of great consultants.

In this article we highlight 7 characteristics of great consultants. Some of these skills and behaviors can be learned or achieved by experience, others only to a certain degree.

Most importantly though, as a consultant you have to feel good about these characteristics. If not, you will probably be unhappy with your job. The quality of your work may suffer as a result.

1. Great consultants are flexible

Great consultants adapt to new projects, work cultures and colleagues easily. They come in, they fit in and they get the job done. Their soft skills and technical expertise allow them to take on their roles quickly and easily.

2. Great consultants have great discipline

Great consultants work hard and they work smart. They know how to accomplish the best results in the shortest possible time with as little friction as possible. Great consultants are problem solvers: bring them in and the work gets done.

3. Great consultants are confident

Great consultants are confident about their skills and expertise. They expose a natural collaborative leadership and they leave their egos at the door. Great consultants are team players: they put company goals and team spirit first.

4. Great consultants are persistent

Great consultants don’t give up. They accept frictions, unforeseen circumstances and negative feedback, they learn from them and they move on. They will analyze and learn from every setback in order to prevent it from happening again.

5. Great consultants are studious

Great consultants never stop learning. They need to stay on top of the developments in their fields of expertise. It is their job to bring the latest knowledge and skills to the table when others can’t.

6. Great consultants go further

Great consultants see the big picture and the small parts that can make it better. Consultants bring a fresh view, and as such they can offer surprising insights that can solve problems and boost the client’s business.
And last but not least:

7. Great consultants are sociable

Great consultants listen first and they speak second. Their primary goal is to help other people and businesses. Great consultants build trust because of their will to help their clients accomplish their goals.

Wednesday 13 July 2016


SR Business Services, setup in 2010, is an international information technology oriented management consulting firm that advises clients across the world on strategy, business transformation and innovation. It is part of the SR Group which straddles the entire knowledge value chain.

SRBS consists of a group of senior seasoned industrial professionals who have track records in setting up and managing business for both MNCs and Corporate. SRBS aims at providing solutions with a difference – we believe in enabling the business strategies with a right mix of technology, people, process and systems.